The First Gardener Poster

The First Gardener

dir. by Jan Čapar, Germany
runtime: 20 min
- The search for food and shelter of a lonely girl in a dystopian and broken world quickly turns into a journey of self-discovery and transformation as she notices that she is part of the unwelcoming world she struggles with. - A lonely girl runs away from her unloving home and begins her search for food and shelter in an unwelcoming and dystopian world. During her search she faces nothing but rejection and indifference from its self-centered inhabitants which live isolated from each other. In her fearful interactions with the world she realizes that she is part of the problem and that in order to connect she has to overcome her own fears to be able to open up her heart and give the world that which she herself seeks. (This is a student film.) In einer dystopischen Welt sucht ein obdachloses Mädchen nach Unterschlupf und Zuneigung nachdem sie aus ihrem lieblosen zu Hause weggerannt ist. Sie verzweifelt als sie auf ihrem Weg lediglich Gleichgültigkeit und Ablehnung zu spüren bekommt bis sie erkennt, dass sie ihre Ängste überwinden muss um selbst diejenige zu sein, die der Welt das schenken kann, was sie in ihr sucht. Durch ihre Selbstlosigkeit kann sie hinter die kalte Fassade ihrer Welt schauen und im Herzen Verbündete gewinnen mit denen sie der Welt wieder ein offenes Herz und etwas Farbe schenkt.


Jan Čapar
Jan Čapar
Jan Čapar
Mykonos Biennale 2015 - Film Festival -  The First Gardener - screen shot
Mykonos Biennale 2015 - Film Festival -  The First Gardener - screen shot
Mykonos Biennale 2015 - Film Festival -  The First Gardener - screen shot
Mykonos Biennale 2015 - Film Festival -  The First Gardener - screen shot
Mykonos Biennale 2015 - Film Festival -  The First Gardener - screen shot

Directors Statement

The First Gardener is a somber yet luminous story. The First Gardener is a quiet story. A story in which fine details carry important meaning, in which atmosphere speaks to the viewer rather than words. A story that is deliberately simple and yet profound. A story in which fear, separation and old structures hold the protagonists in their grip and have to be dissolved and replaced by new ones. Not through violence, struggle or resistance. But through love. Through hope. And through togetherness. Our togetherness and solidarity, our affection and love for each other and our diversity are our greatest strengths as humanity and it is precisely these aspects of live that I want to pay attention to with this story. It's a story about love amidst layers of fear and about how this love can grow and prevail, like a delicate flower that will eventually break through even the thickest layers of concrete.

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