Eleni Kotsoni
Eleni Kotsoni is a visual artist based in Athens and has previously lived in Rhodes, Lausanne, Paris, Barcelona, and Copenhagen. Her installations resemble three-dimensional mosaics as they often consist of a set of assembled fragments (spolia) of various materials. The heterogenous fragments develop in unexpected directions, readdressing the question of boundaries relating to the art piece and transforming her paintings into space. Most of the time the installations are in progress and become a meeting point or a field of activities, where viewers are encouraged to ‘do’.
Eleni Kotsoni references archeology and her source imagery comes from geometrical abstraction combined with patterns collected from ancient Greek art or from non-European cultures. She often uses dispersed knitted patterns, expressing how canvases can expand in a three-dimensional form. The repeated and unlimited gesture branches out in a natural order, interrupting any architectural structure. Often, installations contain fragmented messages and the sculpture-spaces become text-objects.
Eleni Kotsoni is interested in the artwork as an event that happens, rather than as an object produced or exposed with a beginning and an end. The gesture and the craft are central in her procedure. The situation, the body and the space of the work ultimately become an alibi for exchange and communication, action and reflection.
Eleni Kotsoni’s abstract world challenges contemporary ubiquitous iconologies, very central in our everyday life. This activates optical feelings that are apart from any symbolism, reference or cultural context.