Mary Hrbacek
Mary Hrbacek has been exhibiting her artwork for more than 20 years at galleries and museums in New York City, across the United States, in Europe and Asia. Notable museum shows include those at The National Academy of Design, and The Muscarelle Museum of the College of William and Mary, where she was awarded the Juror’s Choice prize by the Director of the Drawing Center, NYC. In 2005 Hrbacek showed at the Parrish Art Museum in an exhibition curated by Sara Nightingale. Her most recent solo exhibition was a drawing show at Roger Smith in 2006. This will be Hrbacek’s seventh solo show since 1989. Her paintings have been included in more than 30 group exhibits in New York City, Toronto, California, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia. In 2007 she exhibited her work in a show that traveled from Osh to Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.