Dignity S.O.S.
DIGNITY S.O.S. Project product of a research laboratory in creation and pedagogy for social development of artistic thought, personal dignity and the dignity of others, experimental video art, from the life experience of the author in the armed conflict and his visions of the sad reality of a country mired in corruption, the abandonment of artists, cultural managers and their families, devalued and ignored before their rights, the problems of dignity at work and economic stability to survive, invisible victims of the multiple reflections and consequences of violence and human rights in Colombia. carried out between 2008-2023 in Villavicencio, Meta.
Directors Statement
Como realizador audiovisual yo Gilveranio Riaño Zamora inicio en el año 2003, después de una formación y premio nacional del Ministerio de Cultura Colombia del programa nacional el I.N.I. Imaginando Nuestra Imagen, en nuestra región llanos Orinoquia se realizaron en Villavicencio, dos cortometrajes desde una formación con profesores de las principales universidades formación para nuevos realizadores audiovisuales 2005
runtime: 5 min